Campus News

Innovation in Teaching Excellence

February 20, 2020
In an effort to foster excellence in teaching to improve student retention, CMCC has been awarded an Innovation Grant from the Maine Community College System (MCCS) to start the “Teaching Excellence Program.” The goal of the MCCS Innovation Fund is “to stimulate development of new, creative models for education delivery.”… Read More


January 6, 2020
Central Maine Community College wishes to announce that it will host a site visit for accreditation of its ADN nursing program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). You are invited to meet with the site visit team and share your comments about the program in person at… Read More

Carbonite Sponsors Esports Program at CMCC

January 2, 2020
With a generous gift of $10,000, Carbonite, Inc. is sponsoring the Esports athletic program at Central Maine Community College (CMCC) for the current academic year. “Carbonite’s Lewiston office has a culture of dedicated gamers and great respect for the value that CMCC offers our community,” said Tom Neal, senior manager… Read More

Central Maine Community College Announces Fall 2019 Dean’s List

December 23, 2019
President Scott Knapp of Central Maine Community College has announced the Dean’s List for the Fall 2019 semester. Students on the President’s List earned a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.9 or higher (on a 4.0 scale). High Honors denote a minimum GPA of 3.6 and honors recognizes those… Read More

Record Enrollment Reached at CMCC

December 20, 2019
Enrollment at CMCC reached a record high in fall 2019 with 3,218 students enrolled in credit-bearing courses. This represents an increase of almost five percent over the fall 2018 enrollment of 3068. Total fall enrollment at Maine’s seven community colleges is up 4.2 percent from last year. Headcount at the… Read More

CMCC Awards “Doc” Hannaford Scholarship

December 18, 2019
Leon Twitchell of Bryant Pond has been awarded the 2019-20 Roland “Doc” Hannaford Scholarship for $1,000 at Central Maine Community College (CMCC). An Oxford native, Twitchell worked as a diesel mechanic prior to entering the Building Construction Technology (BCT) program at CMCC. He has earned highest honors in the program… Read More

CMCC Announces New Faculty Member

November 21, 2019
Curry Caputo of Whitefield has been hired as an instructor in the Building Construction Technology program at Central Maine Community College. A native of Pittston, Caputo graduated from the College of the Atlantic with a degree in Human Ecology. He is a certified building analyst through the Building Performance Institute… Read More

Program Committee Breakfast at CMCC

November 8, 2019
A breakfast meeting for all academic program advisory committees was held recently at Central Maine Community College (CMCC). Pictured here are members of the Human Services committee. Clockwise from left are Jessica LeChance, Tri-County Mental Health;  Dr. Jesse Morris, program chair; Bonnie Iwans, Norway Rehab Center; Aurelie Bush, DHHS; Sondra… Read More

CMCC students receive MEREDA scholarships

November 6, 2019
Sarah Pierce and Bailey Pullen, second-year students in the business administration program at Central Maine Community College (CMCC), have been awarded $1,250 scholarships from the Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA) for study during the current academic year. A resident of Greene, Pierce has earned highest honors at CMCC,… Read More

CMCC Esports Team Notches First Win

October 8, 2019
Two weeks into their first season, a Central Maine Community College (CMCC) Esports team won its first contest with a convincing 3-0 victory over Arcadia University of Pennsylvania. The CMCC Rocket League team composed of Levi Little of Phippsburg; Jared Lambert of Oakland; Sean Rooney of Winslow; Paisley Drakiotes of… Read More