Course Schedule

How to use the course search

  • Use the search box above the table to enter any keywords of interest. You may also click on any table header (in red) to sort by that column.
  • Click the green circle next to the course to expand further information, including but not limited to description, registration, and more.

In addition to employer-specific training, individuals can register for online training, credit-based courses, or any of the training options below.

If you are looking for something that isn’t on the list of available courses, please visit the online course page for a list of hundreds of available course topics offered through our third-party online training vendors. We also encourage you to check this page often for new courses. Upcoming course opportunities include Journeyman Electrician with Solar Certificate, Heat Pump Installation, Pharmacy Technician, Blockchain, Electric Vehicle Repair, Building Construction Academy, De-escalation Training, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Training, Hospitality, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Weatherization, and Mixology.