South Paris Resident Earns ASPE Scholarship
Logan and the other two recipients, Michael Smith of Gorham and Maxwell Stanley of Vinalhaven, are students in the Building Construction Technology (BCT) program at Central Maine Community College (CMCC). The scholarships are named in memory of longtime ASPE member Guy Washburn, who was an educator and avid supporter of education in building construction. Pictured left to right are Jim Hoy, treasurer of the ASPE ME Chapter; Don Varney, chair of the BCT program at CMCC; Logan Day; and John Brockington, president of ASPE ME.
The ASPE organization serves construction estimators by providing education, fellowship, and opportunity for professional development. The Maine chapter encourages a wide range of activities that provide learning experiences for estimators at all experience levels.
The BCT program at CMCC prepares students for successful employment in construction-related fields. Through a combination of classroom study, mock-ups, and live projects, students obtain hands-on experience and become broadly familiar with methods, standards, and codes commonly associated with the construction industry. The program offers students the opportunity to earn a certificate or an associate in applied science degree.